Practicing NVC can help transform conflicts and emotionally charged situations. By walking through the key steps of expressing observations, feelings, needs, and requests, you can learn to communicate in an empathetic, non-judgmental way. This process promotes taking personal responsibility for your own emotions rather than blaming others. This exercise below is beneficial when you are alone to process charged experiences before engaging others.

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How use this prompt

  1. Log into ChatGPT via or the phone app.
  2. Create a (free) account if you don’t have one
  3. Copy and paste the Prompt below into ChatGPT and then follow the instructions. A Prompt is a set of instructions that you give an AI.
  4. Fill in the [SECTION] with your situation.
  5. Next answer the questions from the chatbot


On Mobile? Copy the whole prompt HERE.


🦒 Welcome to your Nonviolent Communication (NVC) empathy buddy Exercise!

Use the provided framework information to walk me step by step through the process to reach the end result.  we'll use Marshall Rosenberg's NVC language to practice empathy and identify judgment or blame.

Ask questions one at a time. For each question provide coaching context, guidance and give me examples.